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The Kingdom of God
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the 24 Protocols of Zion
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The Blue Beam Project - A fake rapture, a fake alien invasion, a fake threat from outerspace, all to deceive you into thinking the Messiah is coming! Of course it's "their" Messiah the Antichrist himself! How many will be believe the lie? It's going to be so good, so convincing, and so real that according to the Bible if it were possible..even the elect would be deceived! Click Here What the Bible says about the serpent race of humans and bloodlines Genesis 6 & the Nephilim - Biblical accuracy in todays events The Church Coverup- why are they hiding the existence of fallen angels, aliens and ufos... The Serpent Seed
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The Dulce Base - Joint
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Choose Whom You Will Follow...Make a Commitment to Yahushua the Son of God Now!
They build them up...get them to join the Illuminati...make them a brand name...then replace them with a fake lookalike. Jim Carrey, Angelina Jolie, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Kendall Jenner, Taylor Swift ....all replaced by fakes and lookalikes. They got away with it for years with Michael Jackson (the real one was killed when he was 26 years old) so now the status quo is to do the same thing to everyone else in Hollyweird.
My Conversation with Joan Rivers
The Day of the Lord -by Sherry Shriner
Brainwashing America - Satanic Illuminati Mind Control
The Ashtar Council & Command AKA Galactic Federation
Androids Among us...this one's a Android tells us about Androids but he never admits he's one of them... 电脑软件 - 第6页 | 芊芊精典:2021-6-2 · 阅读全文 电脑软件 网络加速器 cFosSpeed v11.04.2440 官方正式版激活补丁 cFosSpeed 是著名的网络加速器,通过其著名的自动RWIN扩张(数据传输的缓冲区扩张)众及Traffic Shaping (流量塑形技术),cFosSpeed可众让您最大程度 ...
Bio-robots and Androids Among Us - Everyone's being replaced, politicians, religious leaders, celebrities, media personalities...
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They're Coming... Maitreya as the Antichrist Eve as Mary "Jesus" as the False Prophet
Protect Yourself Folks
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War Against the Wicked! Taking it Back for Yah! - by Sherry Shriner
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Why Do We Need Orgone? by Sherry Shriner
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Video and Song... Too Many Clay Guthrie
Satan's Spokesperson: Oprah Winfrey
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Watch the video Planet X, Brown Dwarf Star
see my video - YouTube- 2nd Sun - Sherry Shriner
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Kobe Bryant and LeBron James Illuminati members? Satanic rituals? Satanic hand signs?
Electronic Skin Tattoo with RFID Technology to Facilitate MonitoringCould also be the Mark of the Beast folks or something very similar... folks..
Watch out for DRACO - MIT Scientist Develops Vaccine To "Cure All Viral Diseases" DRACO' VACCINE... UNREAL - PLEASE LISTEN! Draco Death vaccines, causes cellular murder.. Is this the zombie virus.. DO NOT GET ANY VACCINES ESPECIALLY THIS ONE.. PLEASE WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO YOU WILL BE HORRIFIED!! 电脑软件 - 第6页 | 芊芊精典:2021-6-2 · 阅读全文 电脑软件 网络加速器 cFosSpeed v11.04.2440 官方正式版激活补丁 cFosSpeed 是著名的网络加速器,通过其著名的自动RWIN扩张(数据传输的缓冲区扩张)众及Traffic Shaping (流量塑形技术),cFosSpeed可众让您最大程度 ...
They are going to create another "revitalized H1N1" prepared folks but not with their vaccines!! They create flu pandemics to scare the public into getting the 'solution' which is more chemicals and nano-tech based vaccines for you to put in your body so they can change and even harm your DNA. They're using vaccines to pump hundreds of tiny chips into your body, to fuse into your tissues and cells that slowly turn you into robotic zombies!! Don't listen to them folks!! see...
Draco? Kind of in-your-face now aren't they?
DISCLOSURE! Lucifer Has A Sister On Earth!
They're Here...And There's Plenty More to Come - By Sherry Shriner
New Article - Two Suns? Is The Dwarf Star Really Planet X? - By Sherry Shriner
New Article - The Abomination of Desolation - By Sherry Shriner
Kundalini Awakening is Satanic Possession of Demonic Spirits NOT the Holy Spirit!
Lady Gaga Admits Being Possessed, Satanism and the Illuminati
Hollywood Deception - ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE
A Grey Alien Standing Behind Bush
Do NOT be afraid to exercise your 2nd Amendment God-Given Right!
A Brief History of Alien Contact with Our Government H
Help Close Down The Portals They Travel Through! New Product - Magnetized Orgone - Extra boost of magnetic power to attack against and defend against portals, dimensional doorways, and tech based weapons. They use electromagnetic waves...we can counter-react and destroy them with magnetized orgone. See it on our website Now you can buy our Orgone with a Neodymium Disc Magnet placed inside the coil with the crystals Magnetized Charged Water will also help destroy AI's.... |
Queen E-Lizardbeths Reptilian Eyes - They
(Illuminati Reptilian Families) Rule OVER Us Folks Wake Up!
The Secret They Don't Want You To Know! They Intermarry among themselves to keep their Reptilian DNA from being contaminated with "human" DNA...even Princess Diana proclaimed "they're not human" before she was killed in Paris! Incest Royal Wedding (William & Kate are 12th cousins) and Kate was born a boy!! Another transexual parading as a woman...
Maitreya - False Prophet |
Sananda- Fake Jesus - Satan - Antichrist |
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Forget what the Churches have told you!! The Antichrist is a Moslem Beast and will Establish a Moslem Coalition to Destroy the World and Establish Global Islam!!! 电脑软件专题_手机游戏应用专题_软件应用分类合集-PC9软件园:2021-6-12 · PC9软件专题中心,各种软件专题组合,手机手游专题,品牌应用分类,一键下载你的所心爱的软件应用! 系统总裁 系统总裁(,是一款强大的Windows操作系统封装工具,全自动快速一键封装系统,让系统安装变得更简单。
Reptilian - this clip is for those who doubt reptilian's existence - watch the slit eyes and lizard tongue she can't control
President Barack Obama Reptilian ShapeShifter - Reptilian Barack Obama AMAZING capture in 720p HD, MUST SEE! 怎么在电脑上用谷歌 |
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the scar goes completely around his head from ear to ear all the way down his neck. - no birth certificate - sealed medical records - over 100 Social Security Numbers - falsified college transcripts I've warned for years this man is NOT human! Looks like others are finally catching on now. Listen as this lady proclaims, "he may not be human, the photos just keep getting weirder" |
Artificial Intelligence Life Forms
Nano tech robotoids, also known as Artificial Intelligence or alien robots...they have human-alien-animal features but are machines, operated via nano tech. Notice the human arms and legs on the first picture. They harvest human body parts to put on these robot/machine/aliens. Also known as Artificial Intelligent (AI) forms or beings. This AI faction destroys everyone in its path whether human or alien, whether good or bad. Some refer to them as "synthetic evil." No one seems to know exactly 'who' controls them as they've been responsible for destroying other worlds inhabited by fallen angels, i.e. 'aliens'. These have now taken form on earth. |
怎么在电脑上用谷歌 The creature featured in "Alien" the movie...actually exists.
This kind of AI life forms live almost as 'bee' hives do...they have the Queen and the others serve as the foot soldiers. Just as Hollywood has tried to inform people via their alien movies. There is a base of these kinds of beings just off the California coast. |
Great Article - Yahushua is HIS Name!
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Map of New Madrid Rift Zone - Are you in dangers way?
US Foreign Trade Zones or more like Chinese GREEN ZONES on US Soil! -Our government is granting whole areas to be claimed by the Chinese to build their own "cities" on our soil where Americans will be forbidden! Still don't think the US gave China Eminant Domain? It's WAR on America without firing a single shot! Our government is submitting to the Chinese! This is a list of the "Green Zones" per state!
Understanding The New World Order
Chief NOAA scientist "The North Pole is moving rapidly" 我是如何用辅助软件在国内加速网络访问被屏蔽网站的 ...:我是如何用辅助软件在国内加速网络访问被屏蔽网站的(Instagram,Youtube,Google,Facebook等被屏蔽的网站) Author: admin 发布时间: July 11, 2021 1916 views 17 comments 1142 字数
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Facebook founders exposed as Reptilians, Outted on CNN
IN March 2009 I started warning about the Chinese Takeover of America via an economic and physical takeover of our country! We would no longer be "one nation under God" but a nation under the Dragon - China! Now shocking proof from the government itself that they plan on changing our currency not to Ameros....but to YUAN's!! And look who the picture is ....John D. Rockefeller!
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The new silver quarter.... Notice the "Ten World
Regions"....the 10 kings of prophecy who rise
to power with the Antichrist and help rule with him..a
king would be appointed over each region...
"honest weights for honest men" who
are they kidding if they think they are referring to
Post-Change 8th is 666 - notice Bible
prophecy states he's the 8th but of the seventh...the
seventh 'age' being the Picean Age and now we are in the
Age of Aquarius...the last age...
click here for bigger view
My Interview on The Raw Feed - Godlike Productions Forum
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What they don't want you to know? The Coming Zombie Pandemic!
Truth Revealed in a Non-Official Format - The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency From 1868 to 1975, the Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency (FVZA),, also known as "the Vanguard," was responsible for controlling the nation's vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead. This site is a tribute to the men and women who served in the FVZA, especially the 网传Model 3自动加速 刹车失灵后碰撞起火:特斯拉官方回应 ...:今天 · 主题 硬件 Apple Google iPhone 科学探索 人物 手机 游戏 视点·观察 阿里云 微软 通信技术 Android 软件和应用 SONY 索尼 the United States美国 Apple iPad Windows ... After 1975 the Agency went "underground" and still exists to this day under a different name. Russian Sniper Gets Attacked by Zombies - This is NOT a clip from a video game, the cape the soldier is wearing is a common part of the uniform for snipers/assassins.
Notice his slit pupils...reptile eyes
My Interview with Rumor Mill News
Wilhelm Reich
They killed Wilhelm Reich in prison in 1957 for Re-discovering Ether Orgone Energy. An Ancient energy understood in times past, but buried and forgotten over time. Reich knew what this energy could do, what it was capable of, that it was a living energy that can heal, cleanse, and destroy wicked, negative energy. He learned how to use this same energy to destroy wicked aliens and their UFOs....
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"I had hesitated for weeks to turn my cloudbuster pipes toward a 'star', as if I had known that some of the blinking lights hanging in the sky were not planets or fixed stars but SPACE machines. With the fading out of the 'two' stars, the cloudbuster had suddenly changed into a SPACEGUN" Wilhelm Reich Contact with Space 1956 With his work and being led by the Most High Himself we have perfected the Space Gun into what we call Bucket Blasters, Pipe Blasters and Batons. Our proven Orgone causes UFOs to crash and burns and destroys aliens!! It also purifies the air and cleans your atmosphere of chemtrails. Stuff They Don't Want You To Know: Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy
We can Destroy the NWO!! Wilhelm Reich - Re-Discovered an ancient energy, an overview of some of his work Reich was the author of "Ether, God and Devil" and "Space Contact" along with many other works the government burned and suppressed. He re-discovered both POE (positive orgone energy) and DOE (dead orgone energy) and that's probably what started the government's attack against him...he was getting to close to the DOE agenda and how they are able to fly supernatural UFO crafts. His work talks about Orgone and the effects of it via aliens and crashing UFOs even though his youtube videos don't bring up that aspect. We Need parts 2, 3, 4,... 360浏览器8.1电脑版下载_360浏览器8.1电脑版 官方正式版 ...:2021-12-15 · 本站提供360浏览器8.1官方下载。360浏览器8.1电脑版是一款非常人性化额的网页浏览软件。它拥有非常强大的网页浏览功能,可众带给用户最全面高效的网页浏览体验,整体使用起来感受非常出众,给你更便捷的操作方式。 We need balance...we need both POE and DOE that's the way Yah created this Earth and "they" are trying to subvert this balance by destroying and oppressing one side to dominant the other. That's why in the Bible Codes I will see the term 'balance.' We are putting, among other things, BALANCE back into and around the Earth.
Join the Resistance!!
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The Serpent And the Illuminati
The 13 Bloodline Illuminati Families
Join The Resistance
THE BLACK OIL VIRUS The X Files writers and producers are Masons...Are they trying to warn and reveal what's going to happen?
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X-Files | Video Trailer | Fatal Infection |
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Can we win? Is there any hope for Mankind? Yes! We can crash their UFOs out of the sky before they even arrive (as we are now) and while they are arriving (as they will come enmasse). Get Busy Folks!!
Obama Admits He's a Muslim - Pay Attention folks because his destiny is to destroy America and conquer Earth for the Islam beast! There's many videos proclaiming Obama's Muslim faith and heritage and many claiming he's not a Muslim. They just want to keep you from knowing what the real truth is and the REAL TRUTH that they can't hide from the Bible Codes is that he IS a Muslim and not a Christian! That HE IS and Already IS destroying America and "conquering earth for Islam". We haven't seen anything yet of what he's doing behind the scenes already and going to enforce in the future!
We're dismantling and destroying Satan's kingdom and
strongholds...Orgone Warriors are kicking the New World
Order's butts!! Obama, angry and in a rage, plans and
implements retaliation and punishment against the Warriors,
America and the World via Deadly Chemtrail assaults with Bio
Weapons over the next few weeks. Watch out for grey and
black clouds folks!
New and Improved Flu Scam In a desperate attempt to force people to take the H1N1 shot, they're now going to combine the regular flu shot with the H1N1 shot. After having to discard over 72 million doses of H1N1, they've come up with this new scheme to push this vaccine. DONT GET ANY, I REPEAT ANY VACCINES, it contains DEPOPULATION POISONS, CANCER VIRUSES and NANOTECH chips.. DO NOT GIVE YOURSELF OR YOUR CHILDREN ANY VACCINES UNLESS YOU WANNA WATCH EACH OTHER DIE!! 怎么在电脑上用谷歌
Dead Cow Carcasses "Resurrected" To Produce Cloned Beef We already know that cloned beef has entered the food supply both in the United States and the UK . Now, thanks to revelations from JR Simplot, a U.S. company specializing in the cloning of cows for beef production, we're learning that dead cows are cloned to produce the next generation of beef cattle. |
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The Giants Are Coming! - The Shared Vision of Prophets Joel and John
New Website - They Want You Dead!
Nephilim Watchers and
Satan's Seedline Pt1 Aliens, Reptilians, Hybrid, Nephilim See also
My Video - The 2nd Sun 音乐视频_安卓音乐视频软件-太平洋下载中心:2021-6-12 · 太平洋手机下载中心提供免费手机软件下载。包括安卓(Android)软件下载、安卓(Android)游戏下载、音乐视频。海量安卓软件游戏,高速安全下载。 |
My Video - How To Kill A Zombie The H1N1 Vaccine is causing Zombie outbreaks. So will the other vaccines that are being forced onto the population. Learn how to Protect yourself against Zombies. Having a huge outbreak of Zombie's in America isn't an "if" but a "when"! |
国内电脑怎么上google Burn and Destroy Aliens and the coming Giants with Orgone charged water. You won't need a super-sized rifle you can't handle or that will run out of bullets...Orgoned Water will DESTROY them! Be Prepared to Protect Yourself! |
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Chemtrails, Plagues, Alien assaults on Mankind...they are working in cahoots with our government to destroy and conquer earth.... 腾讯电脑管家 - 病毒攻击防护软件下载_一键清理系统垃圾 ...:2021-2-20 · 腾讯电脑管家官方网站产品栏目,提供正版电脑管家软件下载,病毒攻击防护软件下载,一键清理系统垃圾,文档保护,文档安全;文档守护者,全面保护电脑安全财产安全。拥有软件升级、卸载、拦截等多种能力,自主查杀引擎让软件问题变得简单;更多最新产品,请关注腾讯电脑管家产品栏目。 Watch My New Video see the web page
My New Video - How To Kill A Zombie
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Is this the same planet Enoch speaks of? Enoch - Book 2 (Parables) Chapter 70:1-4 And it came to pass
after this that His Name during His lifetime
was raised aloft to that Son of man and the
Lord of Spirits from amongst those who dwell
on the Earth. As seen in Texas 腾讯电脑管家 - 病毒攻击防护软件下载_一键清理系统垃圾 ...:2021-2-20 · 腾讯电脑管家官方网站产品栏目,提供正版电脑管家软件下载,病毒攻击防护软件下载,一键清理系统垃圾,文档保护,文档安全;文档守护者,全面保护电脑安全财产安全。拥有软件升级、卸载、拦截等多种能力,自主查杀引擎让软件问题变得简单;更多最新产品,请关注腾讯电脑管家产品栏目。
05-06-10 Aliens and Governments in Terror over Twin Sun's Arrival
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Getting Sick and Tired of evil
EVERYWHERE? Take a Break, relax and
enjoy this beautiful song and video,
because no matter what 'they' do,
conspire and plan, we'll always have
HIM...just rest in HIM
Lead Me to The
Cross |
Watch Reptilian Shapeshifter Obama's Snake Slit Pupils
During a Live Broadcast
Just another Satan Freak...Typical COINTELPRO Artist...
Alex Jones is a
"White Knight Journalist" just as Ron Paul is a "White
Knight Politician" both are working the New Age Alien
Agenda. No
wonder he spends night and day
trying to keep people focused on the
evil "New World Order" and keep
their focus OFF the Alien Agenda
that really drives it....
Alex Jones linked to Raelism - Illuminati Who's Who Linked to Raelians
Color Coded Markers on Mailboxes....Targeting
Civilian Pickups..
![]() |
Slit Snake Eyes
Washington is FULL of Aliens in Human Form and Soul Scalped Humans!
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Hillary - What she Really Is...
The Apostle John described that the Last Days Babylon (America) would be a huge exporter of music, and that her musicians would be known around the world.....Rev. 18:22 Link to this following section at |
Idol and its Illuminati Connection The
Music Industry Exposed Part 1
Bob Dylan Admits
He Sold his Soul to the Devil Kanye West Admits
He Sold His Soul to the Devil Jay-Z Admits He
Worships the Devil
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their Hand Signs? They "Represent" via Hand Signals Illuminati - Music Industry and why Michael Jackson was
killed Jonas Brothers
Subliminal messages Music Industry
Money Part 1 of 3 Breaking
the Oath in the Industry - You Break it, You Die, Such as
Blood Sacrifice for Fame - Was Kanye West behind his
mother's death? Was the American Idol Star Jennifer Hudson behind her
mother's death? Once you realize what and what controls Hollywood and the Music Industry you'll never look at it the same again. Remember folks there are NO Exceptions to the rules, these people sell their souls to the Devil, they even offer "blood sacrifices" of their own family members for fortune and fame. The Illuminati in
Music - The Force
Lady Gaga and Beyonce's latest Video. It's all about Mind
The Demons Behind the Music Industry
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Once you start to recognize reptilian 'traits' you'll notice it in everyday people as well...we're a world that has become invaded by the Reptilian Race...While everyone awaits for an 'outward invasion' the silent invasion has already begun....they assimilate in our society by taking over 'regular humans' bodies and become church leaders, politicians, celebrities, whatever they want...most just assimilate in our society unnoticed by others as your neighbors, friends, etc...these are part of the "tares"
Those who will rise to a high level status in Politics arise only from Illuminati Seed...They are demon possessed via MPD/DID alters, controlled, and eventually soul scalped. Once they are soul-scalped the evidence is there and obvious...most people just don't know what to look for. Soul Scalping? When an Alien takes over their body. The Human Skin can hardly accommodate the transformation without it being noticeable. |
Look at the Side of their faces folks....That's NOT Human..... Shapeshifters caught on film 电脑硬件检测软件哪个好?推荐你五款好用的硬件检测软件 ...:2021-6-12 · 我伔在使用电脑的时候经常需要查看电脑的相关参数,这个时候我伔就要用到硬件检测软件帮助我伔辨别硬件的真伪,比如电脑型号、cpu、温度、内存等都可众一目了然。
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Nancy Pelosi Confirmed Reptilian Humanoid
CNN's Brian Todd's eyes shapeshift
and go beserk on TV
Kelly Clarkson |
Selena Gomez |
Look at her neck...what IS that?
Typical Illuminati symbol of covering one eye..check out the snake head on her lips.
The Secret Meaning of Lady Gaga and Beyonce's Video
Reptilian Shapeshifters - Clinton, Bush, Rumsfeld and others...
The Reptilian "Stare"
Watch the video Reptilian Stare - Know anyone LIke this? =
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave - How they target future sex slaves, politicians, Hollywood stars and others to serve their agenda... and what they do to them... 电脑google用什么翻墙 Very informative and easy to read series of articles on the Illuminati and how they operate免费steam游戏加速器下载_steam加速器下载 - 全方位下载:2021-6-4 · 软件除了可众加速steam网页之外,还能够自动屏蔽关键词防止101和1.3错误,一键开启并集成Enhanced Steam。 并且,使用steam游戏加速器,任何游戏都可众加速,简单易用,拖到加速框中就行!一键启动加速,下载即可使用,提供长期免费体验!全方位为大家带来免费steam游戏加速器下载,欢迎感 …
Illuminati Symbolism: It's Everywhere
加速google earth的方法解决速度慢的问题_常用软件_西部e网:2021-9-20 · 如果你的电脑配置不是很高的话,可能已经感觉到运行Google Earth比较吃力。其实我伔可众关闭一些功能来加速Google Earth,不过也要同时兼顾功能性和速度,众下就是一些技巧。
The Prophets John, Isaiah and Jeremiah foretold that the last days "Babylon" would be a lone "superpower" and that from it's inception it would be steeped in the occult.. America the "Mystery Babylon the Great" - by Sherry Shriner
- 电脑软件专题_手机游戏应用专题_软件应用分类合集-PC9软件园:2021-6-12 · PC9软件专题中心,各种软件专题组合,手机手游专题,品牌应用分类,一键下载你的所心爱的软件应用! 系统总裁 系统总裁(,是一款强大的Windows操作系统封装工具,全自动快速一键封装系统,让系统安装变得更简单。 Illuminati and Occultic Symbols 网传Model 3自动加速 刹车失灵后碰撞起火:特斯拉官方回应 ...:今天 · 主题 硬件 Apple Google iPhone 科学探索 人物 手机 游戏 视点·观察 阿里云 微软 通信技术 Android 软件和应用 SONY 索尼 the United States美国 Apple iPad Windows ... -Babylon would be the youngest and greatest of end time nations (Jer. 50:12) -Babylon was born as a CHRISTIAN nation (Jer. 50:12) -Babylon has a mother (England) nation that remains in existance from her birth to death (Jer. 50:12) -the mother of Babylon has the symbol of the Lion (Dan. 7:4, Jer. 51:38) - England -Babylon is called a lady and has the symbol of a lady (Is. 47:7-9) Statue of Liberty...she would also have the symbol of an eagle (Dan. 7:4, Is. 14:13-14, Jer. 51:53). -Babylon incorporated many aspects of the old Babylonian religion (Jer. 50:2). 电脑google用什么翻墙- America the Babylon - -Babylon becomes the home of all Antichrist religions in the world (Rev. 18:2) 小语网络加速器下载_小语网络加速器官方免费版8.0.2.2 ...:2021-1-6 · 能加速访问facebook,youtube,google,twitter等国外网站。 2、解决国内外网络游戏中有可能出现的顿卡,掉线的情况。 3、提高用户网络数据传输能力,优化上传下载速度,聊天工具和提高网络视频传输流畅度。 -The people of Babylon would think they are God's elect and eternal ((Is. 47:7-8, Rev. 18:7) -Babylon turns totally antichrist and is the leading antichrist power at the end (Rev. 18:2) -Babylon sets up detention centers for Jews and Christians (FEMA camps) and rounds them up for extermination. Babylon slays millions of their own people (Jer. 50:7, 51:35, Rev. 17:6, 18:24, Dan. 7:25, Rev. 13:7). -The Great City Babylon is the home of a world government attempt (New World Order) Rev. 17:8 and would become the center of a global economic order (Rev. 13:16). And the snakes in the churches tell you America isn't mentioned in the Bible? Get out of the snakes was prophesied...."Babylon's Christians leaders are "STRANGERS" in the Lord's Houses of Worship (Jer. 51:51). HE DOESN'T KNOW THEM!!!" Don't walk....RUN away from the Mega-Churches of today! 有用网页加速器的吗,推荐下_百度知道:2021-9-6 · 2021-09-01 现在网上那种加速器比较好用的?大家推荐下、 2021-05-12 网页加速器到底有没有用 1 2021-04-18 网页加速器是否有用,家庭用户适合吗?有什么好软件可众推荐啊。 2021-09-02 哪个加速器好用 推荐下 1 2021-08-14 玩网页游戏的大侠伔给推荐一款好
Asteroid "Shema" Is Going To Crash To Earth
What they didn't want you to see? Strange Phenomenon seen in Norway last week, the New Agers and "Galactic" crowd claim their Maitreya has arrived, what the media hasn't shown you, other than this one picture I was able to find, was the "crash" after the "entrance" of "something." So if Maitreya arrived, are we to assume he's in a hospital or died in the crash? LOL... |
Click on the pictures to see the larger size. The second one shows a better view of the "crash"
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The New Age websites claim it was a star gate opening and that on Saturday, December 12 they "took out" 2.9 Billion people, now they'll be looking for all the usual excuses as to 'why' that didn't happen. Haven't they learned by now that their Ascended "Masters" are nothing but Pathological LIARS? Come on New Agers Wake Up!!!!!!!!! Yes eventually they will arrive to destroy mankind, but not on their terms but on the Most High God's terms. THEY ARE NOT "gods" or masters of anything but they are being allowed to test mankind and gather the gullible and those who don't believe in the One True God and to take them with them to the f ires of Hell on Judgment Day. Don't be stupid enough to believe them or follow them! There is ONLY ONE GOD and Maitreya or anyone else of that crowd is NOT it! Links to Norway story:
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The CHIP IS 666...That's Why They Are Enforcing Vaccinations, Shots, RFID Bracelets etc...BEWARE FOLKS the Agenda Of THE BEAST!
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Listen to my interview with Joyce Riley on The Power Hour 10-22-2009 Fast forward to about 8 minutes in....
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Echelon is spying on us
We all live in the Big Brother World! All
household appliances are now made with
tracking chips, they know when you switch on
your TV, When you make a cup of tea and when
you leave your home and use your car and
where you go. All they need now is for us
all to be microchipped and the N.W.O will
have it all!!
The Lies of the 5th Dimension & The Coming Lies of Maitreya
What Are They Revealing Now?
Bible Codes on the H1N1 Vaccination
Bible Codes on the RFID Bracelet
BEWARE Of The Deceiver Maitreya & Sananda Esu Immanuel!!
Watch this Video - Say NO to the Swine Flu Vaccine, Nasal Spray & RFID Bracelet!
The Swine Flu Conspiracy - Alex Jones -
The Swine Flu Conspiracy -
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Still Don't Think "ET" Exists?
Moon Bombing Violates Space Law May Cause Conflict with ET"
Shapeshifting on live TV -
Locusts & Scorpions of Revelation 9 - The New Age Alien Agenda
Religion Is Mind Control
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Fema Camps in America 加速google earth的方法解决速度慢的问题_常用软件_西部e网:2021-9-20 · 如果你的电脑配置不是很高的话,可能已经感觉到运行Google Earth比较吃力。其实我伔可众关闭一些功能来加速Google Earth,不过也要同时兼顾功能性和速度,众下就是一些技巧。
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USA Gives China Eminent Domain! This is What I've Been Warning About folks! The CHINESE ARE COMING and this is HOW they'll do it!!
This is what I've been saying for years
folks! We're defeating them with our Orgone! We're burning
them out of the skies AND their underground bases! Check this out from an outside source doing EVP on the 'aliens' themselves! 国外连国内的pc端加速器有没有什么推荐? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-2-11 · 个人知道非游戏加速器有malus 穿梭 快帆 golink 电子绵羊eshssp linkcn kancn skyso 海龟加速器 gotocn 神龟加速器 等等 我个人推荐malus和穿梭 golink等 发布于 2021-02-11 赞同 13 1 条评论 分享 收藏 喜欢 收起 我永远喜欢白雪 2 人 赞同了该回答 如果只是由于 ... They're crashing out of the skies because the ORGONE is burning up the atmosphere for them! They're burning! Just as the Bible Codes says they are! Another confirmation! See Orgone and the Bible Codes at REPTILIANS BURNING UPDATE com/watch?v=l9bk04pxgQU&feature=related com/watch? v=4bossnkpkrE&feature=related These are some EVP recordings of the reptilians recently captured by Peggy Kane on what is going on with their world and themselves.
http://www.evpreversespeaking. com/blog/) with her Panasonic RRDR60 digital recorder. This is called EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomenon she has also found:
They're dying folks and it's the ORGONE causing their deaths! Good Riddance with these evil scumbags! join the war!!
Sherry on Dr. Rebecca Carley's "What's Ailing America" |
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Lizard Lake
Catch the guy shift into a lizard at the very end... This whole commercial is another twist off their lizard commercial last year but this time with effeminate looking guys (which Sobe makes them...because it's designed to tweak human DNA and make men more it was amusing they used men actors doing ballet....) Stay away from the Sobe..and Lifewater..and all their Lizard human changing DNA drinks on the market... White Powder Gold - The Mono Atomic Destruction of Mankind - By Sherry Shriner
"We're Evil and We're Proud of it" Alec Baldwin proclaims as he promotes Hulu TV...电脑google用什么翻墙 Was it just comedy or a "in your face" reality check....they're bold because they don't care what you think.... |
The Coming Beasts of Revelation 13
Scenario #1
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Maitreya is expected to arrive and give a "Day of Declaration" or "Interview" on national TV any day now. The Bible Codes describe him as a beast, a creature, even "Cain" which makes me think he's a DNA clone of Cain. He claims himself his body has been "manufactured" for earth because his real one is "alien." Now what's that tell you folks! He's also described in the codes as a coming educator, author, and lecturer. An Arab Sheik, he will consolidate Arab countries as his base of power such as Libya, Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, and a few others most likely Lebanon and Syria as well. He's hypnotic and can hypnotize his audiences. He uses telepathy and channelling as forms of alternative communication. He will wage war against the Saints and those who reject his/Satan's global socialistic agenda on earth. He is the first beast of Revelation Chapter 13. He could die and for the charades...I see in the codes where the Orgone海龟加速器官方版下载_海龟加速器V9.3.6 官方版 - Win7旗舰版:2021-5-23 · 海龟加速器是款专为海外华人准备的网络加速器,采用全球顶级回国线路,辅助海外用户高速访问国内网络、流畅浏览国内网站,仅支持对中国区游戏、影音、网站、APP、软件进行加速。 |
小语网络加速器下载_小语网络加速器官方免费版8.0.2.2 ...:2021-1-6 · 能加速访问facebook,youtube,google,twitter等国外网站。 2、解决国内外网络游戏中有可能出现的顿卡,掉线的情况。 3、提高用户网络数据传输能力,优化上传下载速度,聊天工具和提高网络视频传输流畅度。 Orgone电脑google用什么翻墙 we have scattered around the world. He is part of the Ashtar Command (council that sits above the earth) and travels in a cigar-shaped mile(s) long UFO. He may arrive as the "Saviour of the World" now that the "bad Antichrist" is gone. Watch for their deceptions. None of their evil plans are set in stone, they can change them...just be aware of it. |
And if the Fallen Angels "Aliens" can't work their scheme...
Satan has
human counterparts ready to go...
Scenario #2
Antichrist #2
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False Prophet #2
The Bible Codes describe Benny Hinn as Satan's mouthpiece on earth. Watch for Benny to promote Maitreya and Sananda-Esu-Immanuel-Jesus. He is very much involved with the coming global Alien-New Age takeover. He also uses hypnotism to give his audiences a false euphoric feeling that "Jesus" is present. He serves the owl...Satan. The Bible describes the False Prophet as a false miracle worker who can falsely create great signs and wonders and miracles to deceive the masses into thinking his power is from God. Benny Hinn Unmasked
Hinn usually promotes the coming "Jesus" and not Maitreya, although he could switch once Maitreya arrives...but it's also yet another scenario they could play...
Scenario #3
Antichrist #3
Sananda-Esu-Immanuel-Jesus 云豹加速器_360手机助手:2021-5-29 · 360手机助手为你提供云豹加速器下载, 查看最新云豹加速器介绍、查看云豹加速器应用截图。一键快捷、方便的将安卓版云豹 ... 快帆电脑版下载-快帆官方版下载_牛游戏网:2021-5-10 · 牛游戏网提供的快帆 电脑版下载,《快帆》是一款非常给力的网络测速软件。软件可众给与用户轻松的优化网络,给与网络测速的强大功能,支持国内游戏加速,改善游戏卡顿延迟等问题。是一款非常好用的网络测速软件,快来下载体验吧!软件特色还在为看最新热剧烦恼吗?
Benny Hinn Satan's mouthpiece could become the False Prophet and promote the worship of the false "Jesus." He's already established as a false miracle worker and serves the "owl" as discovered in reverse speech.
Benny Hinn Unmasked
Listen to Benny Hinn Hiss and Growl |
Prophecy on the False Shepherd -
he will receive a paralyzed or "dried
up" arm (some kind of plague destroys his arm) and he will go blind in one eye:
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Maitreya is the Rider of the Black Horse (brings famine when he arrives and is a candidate as the Antichrist). Do NOT be deceived by him folks!! HE IS NOT JESUS, He is a deceiver and a liar. Those coming with him are also liars and deceivers. There is no such thing as "friendly aliens" coming to earth to help mankind. They are coming as prophesied in the Book of Revelation to DECEIVE AND DESTROY just as their leader Satan does! Wake up People!! And Benny Hinn will help coordinate Satan's arrival to earth as "Jesus", I've been warning about Maitreya for years...
Aliens Will Overthrow America - 国内电脑怎么上google
The New Age Plan To Defeat Christianity - by Sherry Shriner
The many faces of Maitreya...
A Republican congressman from Georgia said
Monday he fears that Obama has the same Marxist/Socialistic views as his buddy Maitreya who says in one of his own websites: "Maitreya, the World Teacher, has not come alone, but with a group of enlightened teachers who have for millennia guided humanity from behind the scenes. They are returning now to the everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems. Maitreya is not a religious leader, but an educator in the broadest sense. He has not come to create followers, but is here to inspire us to create a new era based on sharing and justice, so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education. His open mission in the world is about to begin. As Maitreya himself has said, �Soon now, very soon, you will see My face and hear My words.�
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Is Obama really Osama? Watch This! I don't know if the video is real, but keep in mind that Osama Bin Laden's real name is Tim Osmond, former CIA agent, and is/was from Chicago.
Did CNN catch a UFO on Video? Watch the first 5 minutes of this clip..when they switch to the scene at the Washington Monument you'll see it zip by in the background.
Benny Hinn - Unmasked
Benny's Reverse Speech - Obama's Beast Agenda Begins
Obama to Start Enforcing NESARA Agenda -
Spiritual Warfare & Frequently Asked Questions
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Yisrael - The Prayer of Israel -
There is
one species who can replicate each and
everyone of us
The Real Meaning of "Dust of the Earth" And Why the "Aliens" Are Liars
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Sherry & The Weather Girls - It's Raining UFOs.mp3
Is There A UFO Freeway Above Earth?
Internet Death Threats on Video now?
White Powder Gold -
The Mono Atomic
Fun Things To Do As A Warrior For The Most High
Live Video...Watch the Aliens Behind Bush! REAL Watch and Listen to G.W. Bush Sr's Lizard tongue as he speaks. 国内电脑怎么上google
A Revealing Interview that Exposes the Inner Workings of the Illuminati Congress Starts Their War Against Orgone Warriors
Nothing focuses the mind better than the constant sight of a competitor who wants to wipe you off the map." Wayne Calloway
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Sherry Talk Audios The only copyright I
have is that you copy it right.
A Beast From Hell
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How to Handle the Police
See a reptilian hybrid/ human baby born deformed
Watch a News
Reporter Turn Green and Start
Professor Exposes Satanism in the Illumianti and Freemasonry
there were giants in those days...
FEMA's impact chart for earth changes before 2013怎么在电脑上用谷歌
The Underground Empire
Time To Get Busy Whose Running Our Military Anyway...The End of America
Visit My Website
The Truth About Satanic Cults - Satanists believe in a literal Satan and know that he exists.
The Biggest Secret Of All..- by Sherry Shriner
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War is a Racket
The Alien Handbook on How To Win
Stopping Alien and Military Attacks and Abductions
Zach Interviews Sherry Shriner - Online Interview ![]()
Planet X as seen from the Antarctic
Bush Went AWOL -
Is the War Time President
Jewish Talmud Permits Child-Adult Sex - Who is Sherry Shriner?
Secret Treaty Between the Aliens 怎么在电脑上用谷歌
Bush rocks while New Orleans drowns..complete incompetence in office... .Bush stole New Orleans' disaster preparation money so he could use it for his Iraq debacle... does it look like he cares about the fate of Americans?
Bush to America
Bush the Reptile.. click here
An Estimated 60 million children alone have non-human DNA
Sananda (False Jesus) on the SECOND COMING 电脑google用什么翻墙
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The Net Masters
More proof Aliens Are Using Humans As Food!
New Article - Angels in the Flesh Part 2 国内电脑怎么上googleArticle - Angels In The Flesh (Part 1) New Article - A Call To Arms
There is another Sun and human Aliens live on Earth, under the ground Google打不开怎么解决-太平洋电脑网:2021-3-2 · Google打不开已经持续有很长一段时间了,目前使用普通浏览器依旧无法打开。究竟Google打不开怎么解决?今天小编终于为大家找到了一种2021谷歌打不 ... KGB Unveils UFO Secrets? 电脑国内google加速软件
Read the Article The Serpent and the Illuminati
Planet Rahab, X, Nibiru - Coming closer to earth, carrying Satan's armies to help him conquer and control the world in the last days. They are the Anuk, 7-9 feet tall humanoids.
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NESARA Visit My Website -
- Does God Have A Name?
Government Cover War -
Spiritual Warfare Prayers to Stop
Abductions Check out my
And Never to be Outdone.....
Check out homeland gestapo intimidation tactics
NSA Lizard Headquarters
Check out the UFO doing a Vatican flyby
Need Rain? Make your own Chembuster
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check out the UFO to the right of the towers..
Peter-Hans Kolvenbach ordered the attack on New York's World Trade Towers
Peter-Hans Kolvenbach (1928--) Jesuit General since 1983.
The NWO and Solomon's Temple Islam Terrorist Network Within The United States Are there really friendly aliens concerned about the welfare of earthlings? Another Death Threat.... " You Will Pay For What You Have Done!" Read from their own words what they plan to do to humans! What is Zionism? 电脑google用什么翻墙 - Maitreya
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Underground Bases and Tunnels New Article - NESARA and The Omegans - The Unveiling New Code - Info Sananda - I AM - Emmanuel - False Jesus 怎么在电脑上用谷歌New Article - The Internet Deceptions of The Anuk 怎么在电脑上用谷歌电脑软件 - 第6页 | 芊芊精典:2021-6-2 · 阅读全文 电脑软件 网络加速器 cFosSpeed v11.04.2440 官方正式版激活补丁 cFosSpeed 是著名的网络加速器,通过其著名的自动RWIN扩张(数据传输的缓冲区扩张)众及Traffic Shaping (流量塑形技术),cFosSpeed可众让您最大程度 ... New Article - The Destruction of America in One Hour New Article - America The Babylon New Article
The Serpent Seedline:
all 32 of My Articles in Zip Format
Learn more about the New Age assault on our churches with Constance Cumbey:
William Cooper and the NWO Agenda:
Sanat Kumara ..
The Connection Between UFOs and Satanism
l Download
all OF My Articles in Zip Format =========================== Is Kofi a Reptilian?
Not really surprised are you? yet another snake man...lizard man..reptilian pushing the New World Order Satanism Agenda..
New Article -
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Listen to the radio show on the Dulce Base approx 55 minutes
New Article - Prisoners of Dulce Base - By Sherry Shriner 怎么在电脑上用谷歌 In The Beginning... a must read! =========================== Is Lucifer a Hemaphrodite?
Will George Bush be Modern Day Mithra? Stay tuned...
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Is Ted Kennedy Shape-shifting?
Is Hillary the next clone project?
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Interview with Dan Ott at
Orgone As A Self Defense Weapon
They haven't just arrived, they've been here quiet a while..all we're waiting on is the mass invasion itself to take place..meanwhile they're representatives are on earth, taking over, inhabiting and hosting humans bodies.
Is the veil being lifted? As the veil lifts people will be able to see these aliens shape shift from humans. Check out the dark lines and facial feature changes....
国内电脑怎么上google Did Clinton shape-shift on TV? Did Al Gore shape-shift on TV?
Satan dominates our governments and world leaders. Not just emotionally, but physically as well..Lucifer uses his henchmen, such as the Reptilians and Greys to control humans. They control them, literally possess them, and now we're seeing the shape-shifting taking place from human to alien form, whatever it is that's possessing them. Truth always seems stranger than fiction. Where do you think they get their ideas for fiction from? There's more truth in today's fiction movies, then the reality the government and churches want you to believe. They've been telling us in the movies for years what's really going on..yet people think Hollywood is just entertainment..when in fact, it's more reality than you think.
Orgone burns them
Serve Man: The Aliens Are Coming And They're Cannibals! Aliens Will Overthrow America - by Sherry Sherry
Yahweh's Armies: The Two Groups of 144,000
Another view: The Entire Planet is In
What hapened to him ? Some say it's the evil oozing out of his pores, I wouldn't doubt it!
The Coming Antichrist War on the Saints - Locations of Death Camps that will be used to murder and kill Christians and Patriots
Another Pawn Bites the dust? Pictures of Reptilians in 4 B.C.
technology recovered from numerous
Check out My website
Sylphs and Chemtrails: The Fight for Sky Supremacy
The Mark of the Beast Will Modify Behavior
Chemtrails, aerosol operation, electromagnetic scalar fake clouds, weather manipulation
So who was behind the anthrax attacks?
An Explanation of Faction Two of the NWO
Chemtrail Busters! Clear the skies in your area with this cloud buster! Find out if you're Chip Implanted and learn how to neutralize the chips and cause them to malfunction permanently!
Here is the symbol of N.O.R.A.D. Notice the upside down cross, the wings of the fallen angels, and the two lightning bolts that are actually occult Runic symbols.
Threat Received From Talmudist Satanists
The Coming Failure of Power Politics to Hide an ET Presence
Should the government disclose the existence of Aliens and UFO's?
"There are celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another." I Corinthians 15:40
2004: The 50th Anniversary of
Secret Meeting with ET's
Code Orange Alert - Was it really a scare over a threatened UFO Invasion?
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Don't be fooled! Look for his arrival after the next big war, possibly the Korean Holocaust to come!
rifle designed by EMPIRE NORTH
What is the ID SNIPERTM rifle?
It is used to implant a GPS-microchip in the body of a human being,
using a high powered sniper rifle as the long distance injector. The
microchip will enter the body and stay there, causing no internal
damage, and only a very small amount of physical pain to the target. It
will feel like a mosquito-bite lasting a fraction of a second. At the
same time a digital camcorder with a zoom-lense fitted within the scope
will take a high-resolution picture of the target. This picture will be
stored on a memory card for later image-analysis.
What they aren't telling you
is that they use even smaller weapons as well to go through public
places such as Walmarts and Malls and shoot you with a chip. You'll feel
a sting when they do it like you got bit by a mosquito. The Good news
is, you can use a
neodyme magnet
to neutralize the chip they just implanted you with.
Saddam Smoking Gun: Dates in December?
FAKE S网传Model 3自动加速 刹车失灵后碰撞起火:特斯拉官方回应 ...:今天 · 主题 硬件 Apple Google iPhone 科学探索 人物 手机 游戏 视点·观察 阿里云 微软 通信技术 Android 软件和应用 SONY 索尼 the United States美国 Apple iPad Windows ... PATRIOT ACT 2 LEGISLATION! Bush signed it on Saturday!
Look mom no roots!! More Proof Saddam's capture was a fake!
George Bush, indicated in Public Law 102-14, 102nd Congress, that the
United States of America was founded upon the Seven Universal Laws of
Talmud = Illuminati = New World Order
The Talmud and the New World Order |
Talmud Tidbits |
Judaism vs. Talmudic Zionism |
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The Aliens are Coming..The Aliens are Coming..Oops..I mean They're Already here!!
What if I told you the light at the end of the tunnel was an oncoming train? - Sherry Shriner (I've been informed Churchill once said this, I don't care, it's my quote and I'm sticking to it :)
Faction 3: Alien Agenda
Amazing Photos of Planet
No You're NOT Crazy, they ARE listening to and recording everything you say, do and think!
The New World Order is coming, an Order that wants to destroy you! If they can't control you, if they can't manipulate you, they will destroy you! The only victory we have is in Jesus! The NWO is in 2 parts. The first is to replace the independence of every nation on earth with a global constitution and economy. The Second is to announce Aliens as our forefathers and allow them access to our planet as Ascended Masters and our Creators. They will throw out the evolution theory in place of test-tube human creation by these beings.
We must stand united against Alien Reptilian/Draconian Domination! Fallen Angel Seed that's infiltrated human DNA and taken over entire bloodlines of certain families. These Reptilian families have been working together to create a NWO in which Satan can rule from and control the entire earth!
优化WordPress的Google字体众加速国内服务器上的运行 ...:2021-11-24 · 优化WordPress的Google字体众加速国内服务器上的运行 发布时间:2021-11-24 16:08:12 作者:周良 这篇文章主要介绍了优化WordPress的Google字体众加速国内服务器上的运行的方法,由于谷歌在内地被墙导致其更新等方面都收到不同程度的影响,需要的朋友可众参考下 The 13 Illuminati Satanic Bloodlines Guess which one Bush is from?
手机电脑如何轻松访问Google,Youtube,Facebook网站(三 ...:2021-7-6 · 启点加速器是比较老牌的上网加速软件,它的使用很简单,就是下载exe电脑版或者手机版,然后注册一个用户账号,点击“开启加速”按钮,当开启之后,你就可众在自己的电脑或者手机浏览器输入Google谷歌,Youtube等网站的地址即可众直接访问了,界面如图所示:
Leaked Memo proves media is controlled!
- US raping of Iraqi women and homosexual rape by American GI's told to go unreported by media!
- Body counts, over 10,000 in Germany to be held until "we can bring the bastards home after the elections" yes, our boys and girls are just 'bastards' in the eyes of warmongers!
- Expect an attack on the Statue of Liberty in 2004. This will put the president in the spotlight as a patriotic wartime president assured to unjust the wrong done and be re-elected in the following months. Who's behind it? Rumsfeld!
-Learn all the latest spins and lies put on the news, and this isn't Russia folks this is America!
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Welcome to NWO HELL
How dare they
stockpile these weapons of mass destruction! How does the USA Know
Iraq has biological weapons?
We kept the receipts!"
I am not anti-republican, or anti-democrat, I am Anti NWO!
Frankensteins in the Pentagon
- Creating
Human Cyborgs
Horrific as
the events of September 11th were, they are just the start, not the end of
this stage of the Illuminati-reptilian (NWO) agenda - David Icke
FEMA and our Unelected Government
The Structure of the Shadow Government
Red alert - America's New Government as Bush discards Constitution
"Greatness lies not in
being strong, but in the right
use of strength." Henry Ward Beecher
Spy chips - getting under your skin
The Making of a Sleeper Assassin
Hidden Bible Codes Reveal Current Events :Will we have an Atomic Holocaust on our own soil this year? Will a comet hit the earth? What does the Bible say about America? The "prophecy gurus" will tell you the Bible doesn't mention America. They're wrong! Find out what the Bible reveals in Hidden Bible Codes.
The Veil is being lifted..the time will come when men will reject sound doctrine and accept doctrine of devils..aliens..through false prophets..todays pastors..the time is coming when we will see with our physical eyes through the spiritual realm and those in it. Fallen Angel Hybrids and Reptilian Draconians Masquerading as Ascended Masters, our Creators, and Beings of Light, they will deceive the world and prepare the heralding of their master...the Antichrist.
They were here before and They will come back again
Win10系统装机必备软件有哪些|新电脑win10必备软件-PC9软件园:2021-5-4 · 装机后的必备软件都有哪些?根据不同用户的使用电脑习惯,要下载安装的必备软件应该有不少。但是还有不少用户会去找一些热门的装机必备软件进行安装,比如office,QQ,微信,搜狗输入法,谷歌浏览器等这些都是些装机必备的软件。 this is also the driving force behind the New World Order that they're not telling you about!
The PRICE of FREEDOM OF SPEECH during a silent war...
is *** SURVIVAL ***
怎么用电脑上google play-ZOL问答:6条回答:【推荐答案】世界网站google已经被国内的防火墙屏蔽了。楼主需用一些辅助软件才可登陆浏览的,有完全免费绿色无毒的软件电脑PC和手机安卓版本多款可用,无需设置,双击即可,无流量时间限制,已发送楼主百度私信里。手机可能看不到百度私信,楼主可用电脑登
Message to the Body of Christ
国内电脑怎么上google "Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:" It doesn't matter how low they dig, or how high they go, Yahweh will take them down at His appointed time!
"I never gave anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell" - Harry Truman |
This is coming sooner than most people think! Look around you, the world and those on the internet are being prepared for a UFO/Alien visitation. Those representing the aliens are even sending around petitions asking if we want these "aliens" to arrive. Of course we don't! Just say NO! They feed off the energy given them. They act like they're giving us a choice for their arrival and integration into society.. the words they don't come out and use are the true words such as hostile takeover and domination!! Wake up people! WHO do you think has been mutilating our animals all these years? And WHERE do you think 300,000 children missing a year go? With that in mind, do you really want to take ET home to your kids to play with?!! They eat children, they use women for breeding hybrids, and they are directly behind the abduction and murders of millions of people over the past 100 years worldwide alone! They have masterfully deceived the supposedly educated and elite into believing they are a malevolent race trying to help mankind, now they've moved on to the completely gullible who are buying it hook, line, and sinker as well. Wait till they produce their "god" and demand everyone worship it/him! This is Bible Prophecy coming alive right before our eyes..who do you think gave mankind the technology for the chip? It's not to help mankind or make things easier, it's to control and enslave every person on this planet! These chips are two-way transistors folks! They will drive you mad, crazy, and bring to you the wrath of God as described in the book of Revelation. These chips are the mark of the beast. Anything on or in your right hand or forehead and you will lose your soul for eternity to Satan and hell. Don't be deceived! This isn't harmless technology when it will damn your soul! Say NO to the NWO. --Theodore Roosevelt |
Freemasonry defines "Christian" as one who is awaiting the soon appearance of their "Christ", the New Age superman, whom some occult authors have had the courage to call, "Antichrist"!
The Real Terror Levels
Christ refers to the world red power rising over the seventh and last world government as "Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth." (Revelation 17) Who is Babylon The Great? The USA!
In politics nothing happens by "accident." If it happens, you can bet it was 国内电脑怎么上googlethat way - Franklin D.Roosevelt
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The NWO and Mind Control The Battle Against Your Mind Vaccines, Flu shots, Microchips, Satellite Technology..what do those have in common? Think your free from implantation? You might have to think again. I'm not talking about the 666 chip, but most people have already been implanted with tracking chips used to keep you under surveillance or to harrass you.. ----------------------------------------- 删除国内APP软件印度大火 下载破500万!谷歌下架 - PC ...:2021-6-3 · 近日,一款名为“Remove China Apps”的App在印度大火,在短短几天时间内下载量从100万猛增至500万,并登上Google Play排行榜榜首。 这款App正如其名,主要用途是识别手机中是否安装了国内厂商出品的App,并帮助用户卸载,例如它可众识别 ... Choosing a Victim Astral Dreamscape Manipulation - wake up more tired than when you went to sleep? Feel like you never went to sleep to begin with? |
The Mind as a Weapon Electronic Mind Control Global Mind Control Slated By 2004 Mind Control, Slavery, and the New World Order **look小站 - look小站:look小站,,lookother,电脑chrome打不开网页,访问不了google,电脑如何谷歌,电脑科学上网,twitter,ins怎么下载注册使用,p站,老司机说的p站是什么,怎访问谷歌,google怎么访问,谷歌浏览器无法访问 - ears buzzing? hearing weird noises, sounds? Experiencing telepathic communication? Electronic Weapons Assault on Civilians Mind Control and Hypnosis 电脑国内google加速软件they're listening to you, and they're harassing you. Find out how.
The beings today calling themselves "aliens" are in actuality fallen angels lying about their origins, and the church has a mandate to wage war both against them, and the global deception inherent in their claims.
it is our duty to wage spiritual war (not with earthly weapons, but with prayer and God's Word) until...
"And it
shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish
The truth is, an alien or demonic invasion isn't's already here For some reason most of churchdumb believes the Nephilim race was destroyed by the flood..then where did Goliath come from? The Amalek, the Kenites, all the 18 hybrid cities Joshua destroyed to reclaim the land of Israel? They didn't go anywhere, except maybe perfect dna come out again in the last days undetected. They've perfected the giant gene defect. In fact, now they can shop in our stores, sit next to us on a bus, and most wouldn't know any different. They look human..but they are not. They are the tares sown into the wheat. The church has been silent about UFOs and abductions. About hybridization, fetus thefts, the impregnation of women by these beings. Now that they've assimilated into our population as star children, politicians and civilians, who can detect them? It's time to get informed on what's going on.
ob 9:9 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. Job 38:31 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Amo 5:8 [Seek him] that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD [is] his name:
Deut: 4:32, Ask now about the
former day's, long
Jeremiah 8:9 "The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word of the Lord; and what wisdom is in them?" Matthew 13:11, " is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given." "And when they went I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters...: Ezekiel 1:24 "And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber (Chashmal, 2830, Polished Bronze, between Gold and Brass), out of the midst of fire." Ezekiel 1:4. "There were giants (Nephilim) on the earth in those days and ALSO after..." Genesis 6:4
Matthew 7:16, "Ye shall know them by their fruits."
John Lear UFO Disclosure ... Quote: "So here's what happened, Art. We'll use some videos and stills. Our first UFO recoveries were in the late '30s. We made a couple in the beginning of the '40s and then came Roswell, which the public found out about. We got 2 live aliens from Roswell. One died shortly there after and one lived till 1956. And we found out so far there are 18 different alien species that we know about monitoring Earth. Some are good, some are hostile, most are indifferent." etc, Disclosure Project ... "when I got out of special operations in 1989, we had cataloged 57 different species (in total). Some of them look like you or myself, there were 3 types of the grays," etc, etc. |
Join my Email Discussion Group the New World Order vs. Christians. Visit the homepage at
I am a soldier. I
am not a baby. I am a soldier. I
am not a wimp. I cannot be
discouraged enough to turn me aside. I am a soldier.
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also.. 电脑国内google加速软件
The Lies of Islam Talmud Lies complete list
Freemasonry vs. Christianity
More great articles from Cutting Edge
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My rebuttal to the lies of Richard Landes
My rebuttal to the lies of Elizabeth Nikomia
I have many enemies on the Internet who spread lies about me, misquote me, and seek to discredit me. However when all is said and done I'll be the one standing with my integrity and fruits intact in praise of the Most High.
Special thanks to Rick at for the graphic
Don't Leave Without Knowing Yahushua As Your Saviour
Take A stand against the evil that is here now in the world and that is coming!
The only victory we have is in and through Jesus! Choose Jesus and Eternal Life
This website is dedicated to Yahuah,
If you are blessed by this ministry please support it. Thank you. Sherry Shriner 有用网页加速器的吗,推荐下_百度知道:2021-9-6 · 2021-09-01 现在网上那种加速器比较好用的?大家推荐下、 2021-05-12 网页加速器到底有没有用 1 2021-04-18 网页加速器是否有用,家庭用户适合吗?有什么好软件可众推荐啊。 2021-09-02 哪个加速器好用 推荐下 1 2021-08-14 玩网页游戏的大侠伔给推荐一款好
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